Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mad 4x4 Fabricating Skillz & a Killer Truck Built by Hand!

So what do you do when you've just got to have a second generation, double cab, Toyota 4x4, but you live in the Land of the Free where it's against the law to import that vehicle? You build your own out of junkyard parts of course! And while you're going to all that trouble you'd want to make it bigger and better than the original. This is America after all. Well a fellow who calls himself Talon84x4 on the MarlinCrawler forums has done all that and more.

Above is a Photoshopped image that the dude made as his first step. Now most guys who have these kinds of dreams don't usually even get this far, but Talon84x4 is not a regular bench racing, big talkin sort. This is a guy with skills and drive to back up his ideas.

In this picture you can see how far the guy has actually gotten. And the picture doesn't do justice. It took parts from three different cabs and some serious modifications to make what you see here. He's even got doors and a bed pretty close to ready for installation. And all that stuff is excellent too! Do yourself a favor and check out the thread for this project over at the MarlinCrawler forums. It runs about 21 pages, but it reads like an adventure novel if you love this stuff like I do.

Here's another link to the awesome and inspiring Low & Slow 1984 Quad Cab Project.

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