As an aspiring independent engineer I have to face the fact that I need to improve my math skills. I can work with fractions and decimals. Maybe I could pass a pre-algebra test. This probably places me right in the mainstream with most Americans, but it's not nearly good enough for someone who wants to be a competent shop engineer. How much math does a shop engineer need? That's what I am in the process of discovering.
I discovered this book, Engineering Mathematics, which seems to fit my needs perfectly. Part of the book's description particularly grabs my attention:
"Whether you're an engineer looking for a useful on-the-job reference or want to improve your mathematical skills, or you are a student who needs an in-depth self-study guide, Engineering Mathematics is sure to come in handy time and time again." (emphasis mine)
The customer reviews for this book are almost all five stars and filled with praise. I recently purchased the book and can say that it looks very well organized and full of good content for self-teaching.
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